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OPEN – A platform for exchange & listening
Tuesday 26th May
7 – 8.30pm at Resort Studios

All are welcome as usual but we also have a special call for opinions, reflections, works, mumblings or whatever related to the aftermath of the elections in Thanet. Any perspective will be heard! You have up to 10 minutes. The audience will give you a fair hearing, whatever you have to say. RSVP if you want a slot.

OPEN is free and open to all. OPEN is facilitated by Dan and Trish Scott.


Pettman Building

50 Athelstan Road

Cliftonville, Margate

Kent, CT9 2BH

Visit by appointment:

+44 (0)1843 449454

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Copyright © 2020 Resort / Website by Sam Nightingale

Resort and Resort Studios are the trading name of RESORT MARGATE CIC 8565279